Darley Flying Start Graduate

It was great to meet up with  Vicky Leonard again at the Magic Million Broodmare Sale on The Gold Coast last week, she has come a long way from the days when she was at Otago Uni and helping out at  White Robe Lodge in between lectures. To all our younger followers, there are opportunities galore in the horse industry. It can take you around the world and you can obtain high end jobs. Post Uni graduation Vicky was selected to to join the Darley Flying Start Programme. Only a handful of students from around the world are chosen for this unique opportunity, where you travel the world for two years working in all aspects of the horse industry in the all the best establishments. Vicky is now very well known all round the world in the horse industry and is certainly doing a great job in her role at Arrowfield Stud in Australia. A Timaru girl Vicky is a great Kiwi advert.


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